Tax processes
Take control of tax processes
Even if your company is managing matters according to plan, you may encounter differences of opinion or interpretation with the tax authority. Tax processes refer to tax disputes, that is, domestic taxation-related court cases or international dispute resolution. Tax disputes may arise between the tax authorities and a company or between different countries and they may be caused by varying interpretations of tax law, tax deductions, sources of income and other regulations.
We know tax processes, assess your situation and the related opportunities as well as take control of the overall picture. We will never open disputes for nothing, always bearing in mind the interests of our client. We also have the courage to tell you if something does not make sense or is not economically feasible. We know which years you should appeal and which methods to use, and how to consider the consequential impacts of the processes.

Resolution of tax disputes
Typically, the resolution of disputes starts with a request for clarification. If the taxpayer and tax authorities cannot resolve their differences together, the dispute may end up in court. Another situation that typically initiates a tax dispute is seeking an advance ruling from the Tax Administration.
Even if the advance ruling is in accordance with the applicant’s understanding, the supervision of the rights of tax recipients may appeal the ruling and set off a tax dispute. The earlier that advisers are involved, the more efficiently the dispute can be resolved, thereby avoiding unnecessary costs. Your chances of success will improve when you have access to a multi-talent in taxation and legal praxis with a deep understanding of tax law.
We know which years you should appeal and which methods to use, and how to consider the consequential impacts of the processes
Differences will commonly arise in connection with tax filings, tax audits, corporate transactions and business acquisitions as well as requests for clarification from the tax authority. The key questions are related to indirect taxation, structures, transfer pricing for international companies and asset transfers for private individuals.
In addition to income tax, matters of interpretation commonly involve value-added tax, alcohol duty, car tax, waste tax, property tax, soft drink duty, personal tax, gift tax and inheritance tax. In recent years, international tax disputes involving different interpretations of tax treaties have also been a rising trend. For international disputes, we offer you our broad competence as well as a partner network capable of interpreting and understanding the local regulation.
During disputes, writs are used to tell a story. Our thinking is that the opposing party will fill in any possible holes in our story. This is why it is especially important for us to recognize the benefit of our client and explain things as they are. While relying on these facts, we seek support in the law in order to achieve the desired outcome. In addition to Finland, our experience in tax processes and disputes extends to the EU level and, more broadly, to the international scene. Instead of arguing, we believe in being proactive and timely as well as managing matters carefully.

Tax process professionals
Expertise in taxation and legal matters to support you
Our assistance will ensure that you can make informed decisions during throughout all the stages of your business. Regardless of whether you are dealing with an international or domestic situation, a business acquisition or restructuring or require personal advice, you will always have access to experienced experts who know the best tools for your situation.
Alder Global
Comprehensive support for growth and international business operations.
Alder Domestic
Practical legal and tax advisory for Finnish companies and enterprises.
Alder Transactions
Experience-based added value for transactions and other forms of restructuring.
Alder Private
Personal consultancy for business owners, entrepreneurs and other private individuals.
Get to know our knowledge areas
Cross-disciplinary versatility, proactive monitoring of the changes in the operating environment and continuous development of our skills enable us to provide added value to our clients.